Trunkt Accepted my Portfolio

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Yes, I am very excited today to be announcing that my Trunkt Portfolio got accepted!
I have read so many stories online in the blogosphere from people who got rejected, I was a little nervous to say the least. I haven't filled it all out completely but you can take a look here and see it.

Anywho, just a quick update today as I am having some major internet connection problems. Yesterday my Dad installed a router which took (ahem) a little longer than expected. I was trying to help out for a little bit but I have to say that it was a case of the blind leading the blind. Eventually he got it all working fine, or so we thought. Later on of course after he left,....nothing. Nada, Zip. I tried my darndest to get it up and running again to no avail (like I said,...blind in this particular area...)

So today, at least the modem is working but I updated Explorer which for some reason has disabled my Firefox web browser......hmmmm.

4 witty words:

Raven said...

YAY for you!!
A big CONGRATULATIONS on your Trunkt Acceptance! :)


Cara said...

That's awesome! I've heard they're really competative too. Going to go check it out :)

And regarding PPP, the majority of advertisers will exclude Myspace, but Blogspot/blogger seem to be just fine. I haven't seen enough 'own domain' offers to warrant me purchasing one, though they are only around $7 through GoDaddy for a year.


Angie said...


Thanks for visiting blog! I've actually designed the skin myself in a recent "blog overhual" :D

spincus said...

i just got accepted there also. but it seems a little weird. I am staying with the basic options till i figure it out more.

I want to add trunkt badge to my inde but can not figure out how to.

perhaps i need a different blog site.
