Happy Fourth!

Friday, July 04, 2008

350 the new 420 treasury
Here is a thought for the new paradigm; let's try to help out the environment.
See the 350 Challenge badge on the right sidebar for more on reducing carbon footprints on a global scale.
Oh yes and have a super and safe Holiday weekend everyone!

3 witty words:

Anonymous said...

i really do appreciate your tribute in your blog to my treasury. it feels good to know that others are on board with me in the fight to save our home-- mother earth. i look around town and around campus and see soo many people doing little things to help, and it really does feel like we're having a big impact. keep it up! :)

one love,

KR said...

Oh I totally agree! I've had the badge on my blog as well for a while now. Gotta love that! :) I'm going to be doing a specific challenge on my blog for the 350 challenge coming up, so keep an eye out. Its going to be interesting!! :)


PAC said...

I like this treasury!